Year 3 Home Learning Projects
Every term, we set a Home Learning Project which allows the children to embed and widen their learning based on the topic within school, whether that is our Discover, Create or Explore theme. After consulation with the Parents' Voice and an international visit to South Africa, we decided to adapt our home learning so that there is a greater focus on speaking and listening presentations. The children are expected to return to school and present their learning to the rest of their class. For some children, this may be quite daunting but this is always treated with sensitivity; adults will gently support any children who feel reluctant to do this. Over the years, it is expected that children will grow in confidence at presenting and will enjoy this experience. The projects are based on a cycle so each year, there is a slightly different focus and these progress throughout the year groups, building on skills and knowledge from the previous year. We hope as a family you find the home learning projects enjoyable and enable you to learn more about a given topic together.