100 Years' Celebration

Above is the first ever recorded journal entry, April 16th 1917.
November 2014
Although the first recorded entry for the opening of Oakwood Avenue School is April 16th 1917 (as can be seen on the left in our oldest journal), the first foundation stone was laid in November 1914 and this is when our school was born. Therefore in November 2014, we celebrated our 100 year anniversary, the details of the celebration can be seen below.
The Creation of our Historical Research Room
Soon after our 100 year celebration, we transformed out Meeting Room into a Research Room and encourage our past pupils to visit, by appointment, in order for them to add their personal accounts to our school memories. The Research Room is also used by our present day pupils so that they can research the history of their school and how national events since 1917, such as the 2 World Wars, the Coronation of our Queen etc. impacted on our own locality.
If anybody reading this went to Oakwood Avenue as a child or knows anybody who did, they are welcome to contact the school office and ask for some time in our Research Room to then add to our memories. Contact 01925 635565 and Joanne Reilly the Deputy Head will ensure you have the time to reminisce.
The collection of photos represents the 100 year celebration spectacular which culminated with a firework display. However, the top, centre, picture, shows Kane on his last day at Oakwood Avenue, in Year 6, presenting us with a sapling. He had planted an acorn with his mum on his very first day at Oakwood Avenue, together they nurtured it, as his mum said 'school had nurtured Kane'. The sapling has been planted on the school field and will grow into an adult oak tree (although this may take up to another 100 years) for future generations to enjoy.