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Welcome to Nursery 2024


Morning Sessions           8:15am to 11:15am Monday to Friday

Afternoon Sessions        12pm-3:15pm  Monday to Thursday;  12-2pm Friday

The nursery also offers 30 hour places for eligible children.

30 hours                               8.15 am -3.15 pm Monday to Thursday and 8:15-10:15am on a Friday

To ensure that your child remains happy and settled within our nursery, please ensure that you arrive on time at the start and end of the sessions. Unfortunately, due to the growing number of occurrences, there will be a charge if your child is repeatedly picked up late.

Nursery's Yearly Learning Journey


Nursery long term overview

Nursery - Learning overview for the current term


how can i prepare my child for nursery?

Talk to your child about nursery and what they will do there; make new friends, explore the outdoor area, paint, sing, dance, build and create and most importantly, have fun while they learn.

Encourage your child to do     things on their own. Before starting at nursery help your child to learn how to go to the toilet on their own (including the use of toilet tissue) and try to put on and take off their coat. In addition it would be helpful if you encourage your child to drink from a cup/beaker without handles or a lid.

You might also wish to prepare your child for some of our nursery activities by;

  • singing nursery rhymes together
  • talking to your child about things that interest them
  • Encouraging them to hold a book, turn the pages and talk about the pictures.




What happens in a typical nursery session?

At Oakwood Avenue nursery, the children can choose to play indoors, outdoors or in our glasshouse every day. We encourage the children to independently access sand, water, blocks, construction, painting, play dough, small world toys, arts and craft resources, role play, jigsaws and books every day. Outside we have a trim trail to develop balance and coordination as well as bikes, scooters and other outdoor resources.

Whilst some children are involved in an activity of their choice, others will be working with adults. These teacher led activities could involve counting, sharing a book, phonics or playing in a certain area with a specific learning focus.

Each session also includes a snack time when we have milk and fruit, plus an end of session group time when we may share a story, sing songs or talk about our topic or something that has interested the children.

What will my child need for nursery?

During their time in nursery your child will play inside and outside and will explore and experience lots of resources and activities that may cause them to get messy (glue, mud, paint, water, foam etc). So please send your child to nursery in comfortable clothing which you don’t mind getting dirty. Also, make sure that your child can manage their clothes themselves when going to the toilet – buttons and belts can cause the children to have accidents if they cannot undress quickly enough!

Sensible shoes need to be worn which will allow your child to run, climb and ride bikes in (no open toes sandals please).

We play outside in all weathers so please send your child to nursery prepared for the weather conditions. Hats, gloves, waterproof coats and wellies in winter, hats and suncream in the summer.

Your child will also need a book bag to take home reading books, letters and pictures. These are available from the school office.

How do I contact nursery/ school?

Please feel free to contact us as we are always happy to answer any queries you may have.

Nursery Staff

Miss Turnbull (Monday & Tuesday) & Miss Hill (Wednesday to Friday) - teachers

Miss Turnbull – Head of Early Years

Mrs K Moran – Classroom Assistant

Miss A McCartney (currently on mat leave) - Classroom Assistant

Mrs H Leyland - Classroom Assistant

Mrs Woodacre - Classroom Assistant

Senior Leaders

Mrs J Reilly - Headteacher

Miss J Coates –  Deputy Headteacher

School/Nursery Address

Oakwood Avenue Community Primary School

Oakwood Avenue



Tel: 01925 635565

E-mail: oakwoodprimary@onecommunitytrust.co.uk

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