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PE days

Your child can come to school in their school PE kit (black tracksuit bottoms /leggings/school shorts, Oaky t-shirt, Oaky sweatshirt and pumps/trainers) on PE days. Please can you ensure that your child's PE kit is named as this would be very helpful! . 

PE day is Thursday morning and will be led by Mrs Gale. 


Home-School Book

For those children that are on transport, we can provide home/school books so please read our comments and reply so that we know that you’ve read it.  In this book please feel free to communicate with us about your child’s behaviour at home too, both the positives and the negatives please.   If your child is not on transport but you would like a home-school link book please request one from a member of staff.

Behaviour Management

In KS2 Woodies, we use a wide range of effective behaviour management tools to help your child improve and control their behaviour in the classroom, around school and hopefully at home too.  The most effective tool that we use is the points’ card system which works as follows.  Throughout the day your child earns points for both their behaviour and attitude to their learning and then at the end of the day if they have earned enough points they receive 15 minutes of choices time where they can play with a selection of games, I Pads and building blocks etc. 

On occasions, when children are putting themselves or others at risk or are damaging property, then we will intervene and use our positive handling training.  If a restraint has taken place then the appropriate paper work will be completed and filed at school and you will be informed at the end of the day.  If necessary a Positive Handling plan will be written.


During the school week, your child will be taught reading through guided, shared and independent sessions focusing on developing decoding, expression, retrieval and inference skills.  You can help your child develop their reading skills further by reading with them each evening for 10 minutes.  We encourage you to share books with your child and read to them alongside listening to them read.  Some of the children will be put on Lexia or Reading Plus programmes which can also be accessed at home.


Each term Oaky will ask the children to complete a project linked to their topic learning (discover, create and explore) and the children will have a few weeks to complete the task.  Your child should also be encouraged to regularly practice their timetables using Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS)

staying connected(1)

The Oaky Way – Staying Connected

At Oakwood, we very much have an open door policy where we welcome open communication. If parents/carers need a quick chat or need to pass on any information, then please feel free to do so at the beginning of the day. 

If you require a more lengthy conversation and it is not urgent, then please speak to the member of staff at the end of the day, as you can appreciate that teachers need to be back up in class to maximise learning time. 

For safeguarding and welfare concerns, please continue to use Option 4 on the school phone line and ask to speak to Mrs Frank.

Members of the senior leadership team will be visible at drop off and pick up times at the gate.  If you require a meeting with a senior leader, then plase contact the office to arrange an appointment.  


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