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Volunteering at Oakwood Avenue


If you are reading this page, you are interested in wanting to volunteer at our school. As a school, we really value the time, energy and commitment volunteers give to our school. We know the right volunteer can enhance the learning experience for our children and we are also committed to supporting the development of people who want to work in education with children.

As part of our on-going commitment to the safeguarding and welfare of our children, before meeting, we require:

  • two references
  • a volunteer application form

The two references need to be completed by relevant people who can answer the questions on the form. For most of our volunteers, we require a referee who can comment on your suitability in terms of being in the workplace and another who can comment upon your personal qualities. We appreciate that for some volunteers, this may be a challenge as you may not have been in any type of employment for a considerable time. We do not want to deter you from volunteering, therefore, in the event of this, please provide a referee who can comment upon your personal qualities (character reference).

These forms can all be found on this page below.

Please return your completed volunteer application form and the two references to j.coates@oakwoodavenue.co.uk FAO Miss Coates

Providing the references and application form meet our safer recruitment volunteering requirements, you will be contacted by a member of the office staff or the Deputy Headteacher to arrange a meeting to further discuss your suitability and expectations in more detail.

Volunteer handbook 2023-24

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