Governors exist to ensure high standards of achievement for all children and young people in the school.
The Governing Board does this via evening meetings during term time by spending time in school during the day and seeking feedback from staff, pupils and parents. Governors receive regular training to keep up to date on relevant matters.
School governors are volunteers who have a passion for the school and a desire to help it do the best for its children by setting the vision and ethos of the school by ensuring:
The school has clear and ambitious priorities and targets.
That all children, including those with special educational needs, have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
The school’s budget, including the pupil premium allocation, is well used.
An appropriate staffing structure and key staffing policies are in place.
Holding the Headteacher to account by monitoring the school’s performance – this includes:
Reviewing the school development plan.
Considering all relevant data and feedback from school leaders and others.
Asking challenging questions of school leaders.
Ensuring school has all the required policies and procedures and that school is operating effectively according to those policies.
Linking with other staff on specific issues and monitoring progress and performance on a priority or issue.
Listening to and reporting to the school’s stakeholders, pupils, parents, staff and the wider community.
Ensure the school staff have the resources and support they require to do their jobs well. This includes:
Necessary expertise on business management
External advice where necessary
Effective appraisal and staff training
Suitable premises
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.