Here in Reception we follow the EYFS curriculum which is a play based curriculum that allows us to link our themes and topics throughout the year to the different interests of our children. We are passionate about providing enabling environments within our classrooms that allow our children to become independent learners during their time with us, preparing them for the rest of their school lives! We aim to ensure children learn, develop and grow in a safe, creative and purposeful way while building relationships, growing in confidence, making friends and having lots and lots of fun!
We are looking forward to getting to know you and working together. Please keep up to date with our learning journey through the year by following us on X (previously known as Twitter) @ReceptionOaky
You can also email the teachers on: Receptiontwitter@oakwoodavenue.co.uk
HOW YOU can help your child with reading with phonics and maths
Please click on the tree for the PowerPoint Miss Turnbull and Mrs Clubley presented to parents, for any further questions you can ask your child's teacher.
Important things to know!
Water Bottles
Please can you make sure your child brings in a water bottle every day, which is to be taken home every evening to be cleaned. Please do not send juice in the bottle - only water. Water bottles should be clearly labelled with child’s name. Please do not put water bottles in their book bags as we have had occassions where these leak and we obviously don't want your child's work or any reading books to be damaged.
Bookbags & Uniform
It's good practice to get into the habit of bringing your child's book bag to school every day. Could all items of school uniform be labelled please-this is to try and stop cardigans/jumpers etc being mixed up or sent home with the wrong child.
PE Day
PE is on a Friday every week. Children should come to school in their PE kits. Please ensure correct PE kits are worn (black joggers, white polo shirt or school PE top, school hoodie or school jumper and trainers or pumps-preferably with velcro, unless children are able to tie their own shoelaces already). School uniforms do not need to be brought in to school on a Friday and book bags can be left at home too.
Forest School
The start date for this will be confirmed in a PING. Could all children bring in a pair of wellies to leave in school for this and for outdoor play. Please ensure that wellies are clearly labelled with child’s name.
Children do not need to bring their own snacks to school. Fruit is provided each day along with water. If your child would like milk, then a small charge will be added to your parent pay account. Information is sent out before each half term with a cut-off date for payment.
The Oaky Way – Staying Connected
At Oakwood, we very much have an open door policy where we welcome open communication. Our staff welcome you and your children at the door every day and again at hometime. If parents/carers need a quick chat or need to pass on any information, then please feel free to do so. We will always use our boards outside each classroom to share information with you.
If you require a more lengthy conversation, then please email or ring for an appointment with the class teacher, as you can appreciate that teachers need to be back in class to maximise learning time.
For safeguarding and welfare concerns, please continue to use Option 4 on the school phone line and ask to speak to Mrs Frank
Members of the senior leadership team will be visible at drop off and pick up times at the gate. If you require a meeting with a senior leader, then plase contact the office to arrange an appointment.