We hope you have had a lovely time over the summer and we are sure you are now ready to start the new school year, so welcome to Year 1! We are looking forward to getting to know you and working together. We hope that you enjoy the new challenges and approaches to learning that Year 1 has to offer! Please keep up to date with our learning journey through the year by following us on Twitter Y1twitter@oakwoodavenue.co.uk
Our Key Stage 1 Vision
‘To provide a curriculum that meets the academic and
developmental needs of 5, 6 and 7 year olds
within a secure environment that is full of learning, laughter and friendship and where all children are happy, feel safe and are valued.’
The transition from The Early Years Foundation Stage to Key Stage 1 can be seen as a big step because the learning environment and timetable will be different. As our vision statement suggests, learning is still fun, hands on and suited to 5 and 6 year old children. The Year 1 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Reception. The children will have a more formal learning environment in Year 1 but they will continue to learn through play, alongside being involved in exciting topics.
Please ensure your child brings these things to school daily:
PE days
Your child can come to school in their school PE kit (black tracksuit bottoms /leggings/school shorts, plain white crew neck t-shirt, Oaky sweatshirt or plain green and pumps/trainers) on PE days. Please ensure everything is named and that Oaky Hoodies are no longer PE uniform. If your child isn't wearing the correct PE uniform, they will be asked to remove it and will be given an alternative for the day; their clothing item will be given back to them at the end of the day. Please refer to the School Uniform booklet, which can be found under the Parents tab on our website for any further clarification.
All Year 1 classes will have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Forest School
Forest School day for Year 1 is on Mondays. We operate a 3 weekly rota so each class will have a forest school session in stead of their PE session on a Monday once every 3 weeks. This will start on the final 3 weeks before October half tem. Leters will be sent out to notify you which class and we will also put this information on the whiteboards outside the classrooms. On forest school days your child can come to school in suitable forest school clothes and bring their wellies in a bag to change into.
Fruit is provided for KS1 children. However, if you wish to provide a snack for your child, please send fruit or vegetables only for them. We have been awarded Healthy School status and we promote healthy eating. Please do not send crisps, chocolate or sweet snacks. Milk is also available if ordered and paid for via Parent Pay on a termly basis. Please look out for posters in the classroom windows or on your Parent Pay at the beginning of each term.

Home work
Books will be changed every Monday. Your child will be given two reading books a week suited to their level of reading and may have word lists to learn. Please ensure that your child brings their book bag containing their books and Reading Record to school every day. Please see the home reading expectation details inside your child’s reading record. Little and often is the best way and 10 minutes every day is perfect!!
This is usually given out on a Tuesday and collected in on a Monday. It consists of games and/or words to read. Please make sure you practise these several times as children need to know them by heart. Again, little and often is best. The homework will be an extension of their learning in class. PINGs will be sent out when appropriate giving more information about this.
We use an online maths website called Numbots for regular homework tasks. Teachers will track these and send home the relevant certificates of achievement your child gains as they work through the levels. Sometimes worksheets or other online learning may be set.
Home Learning Projects
Each term Oaky asks the children to complete a project linked to their topic learning. Letters will be sent out informing you of this and the children usually have a few weeks to complete the task.
The Oaky Way – Staying Connected
At Oakwood, we very much have an open door policy where we welcome open communication. If parents/carers need a quick chat or need to pass on any information, then please feel free to do so at the door when the children are being dropped off or collected. We also use the boards outside of the classrooms to share an notices.
If you require a more lengthy conversation, then please email or ring for an appointment with the class teacher, as you can appreciate that teachers need to be in class promptly to maximise learning time.
For safeguarding and welfare concerns, please continue to use Option 4 on the school phone line and ask to speak to Mrs Frank.
Members of the senior leadership team will be visible at drop off and pick up times at the gate. If you require a meeting with a senior leader, then plase contact the office to arrange an appointment.