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Parents' Voice

'Conversation is the lifeblood of school reform'

Passionate about your child’s education? Want to know a little bit more about what goes on in school on a daily basis and how and what decisions  are made? We welcome parents and carers from all year groups who feel that they would like to make contributions or simply have the opportunity to ask questions and constructively challenge senior leaders to improve outcomes for our children.

Over the last year, Parents’ Voice have positively impacted on a number of school decisions and outcomes for children and families, such as: clarification on school uniform, setting up a Parents’ Voice newsletter which goes out once a half term, fairer access to the ping club information, contributing to our new prospectus and a big one is the re-opening of our Parents’ community café, which is going to be known as the ‘Oaky Dokey’ café! If you are interested in being involved and want to know more, please contact Jane Coates, Deputy Headteacher, on j.coates@oakwoodavenue.co.uk. 

We are really excited to hold our meetings in the Oaky Dokey Parents' Cafe, now we have our fabulous fit for purpose canteen - we actually like to call it our 'posh restaurant' with the children!! Hopefully, this will be less daunting for parents to drop in, have a cuppa and some breakfast, ready to share any thoughts and conrtribitions to the running of the school! 

Please read the Newsletter for information about dates. 

As well as our Parents' Voice, there are many other ways you can keep in touch with the school. 

Staying connected - The Oaky Way

We have many channels of communication, which include:

  • An open door policy, when appropriate, to chat to teaching staff and senior leaders. Senior leaders are also on the gates at the beginning and end of each day which allows for quick, effective communication. 
  • The school office – we have amazing, welcoming and smiley office staff who work tirelessly to ensure communication is constant and effectively
  • SLT email SLT@oakwoodavenue.co.uk – please use this if you need to speak with a member of SLT about a sensitive matter. This is not to be used to pass on information to class teachers. 
  • Formal appointments can be made through the office
  • Twitter (allows parents and carers to be the 'eyes in the classroom' and see the learning taking place through photos and videos, PING (the main method of effective information sharing) and use of the website.



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