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Reception's Yearly Learning Journey




Here in Reception we follow the EYFS curriculum which is a play based curriculum that allows us to link our themes and topics throughout the year to the different interests of our children. We are passionate about providing enabling environments within our classrooms that allow our children to become independent learners during their time with us, preparing them for the rest of their school lives! We aim to ensure children learn, develop and grow in a safe, creative and purposeful way while building relationships, growing in confidence, making friends and having lots and lots of fun! 

Reception Staff

Reception long term overview

Reception English

Please click here to see the links to the books we read and curriculum content of grammar and spelling. And click on the videos to see how as parents you can help with phonics and the sounds letters make (Phase 2 and phase 3 sounds).

Helping with phonics

There are some videos below to help with phase 2 and phase 3 sounds. There are also some information sheets for phases 2 and 3 which are guides for parents:

PHase 2 sounds for parents

phase_2_sounds.mp4 (Original).mp4

Parents information for Phase 2 sounds

Phase 3 sounds for parents

phase_3_sounds (Original).mp4

Parents information for phase 3 sounds

Parents information for phase 5 sounds

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