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'It is important to view knowledge as sort of a semantic tree – make sure you understand the fundamental principles, i.e. the trunk and big branches, before you get into the leaves/details or there is nothing for them to hang on to’.

Elon Musk

Science at Oakwood Avenue

Science Long Term Plan

Science Objectives & Assessment Guidance

Science Medium Term Plans - Years 1 - 6

community voice

During our most recent monitoring, governors and parents joined Miss Coates on a learning walk to monitor the teaching and learning throughout the school. Teaching and learning was observed and the children were asked about their learning; the children were not shy in sharing their experiences of science week! You can also visit #Oakyscience to see what we have been learning in science at school.

'There was lots of evidence of the level of vocabulary used and the exploration. A governor noted that it was fantastic to see both the children and staff engaged. It was noted that the children were excited to tell governors what they were doing and it was clear that they had made links with what they were learning'.  Full Governing Body Meeting Spring 2019

At the end of the week, we got the dogs in to test their hearing skills, it was amazing! ' Year 4 child

The environments in all classes were language rich. The level of speech and language which this learning generated was to a very high standard'. Lynn Borthwick, Governor

It’s my favourite week of the year! I look forward to it and although I’m shattered at the end of the week it’s so worth it!’ Paula Arnold, Reception Teaching Assistant

The evidence through observations, twitter and outcomes (children's work) showed that adults co-learnt alongside the children. Children learnt from the adults and vice versa. Facilitation was excellent.'. Learning Walk monitoring. Miss Coates

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