Our Oaky Family Values award winner 2022-23
Our new Oaky Family Values award has been presented to Sienna Reading, who is now in Year 3. Last year, she worked tirelessly to support our school community by contacting local businesses to ask them to donate raffle prizes for our Christmas Markets 2022. Sienna always demonstrates our Oaky Family Values of being respectful, responsible, reslient, herself yet through this act, she really did inspire our school community! Thank you Sienna for being our very first recipient of our Oaky Family Values award!! So well deserved.
Back in 2013, as a staff, we explored what we believed to be the key learning values and attitudes for our children. This discussion, following consultation with parents and children, was the beginning of The Oaky 5; Be Respectful, Be Committed, Be Creative, Be Flexible and Be Yourself. These were a set of behaviours and core values to invest in, so our children have the fundamental skills as they move towards becoming successful adult members of a community. All members of the school community 'bought into' the Oaky 5, which were acknowedged positively during our most recent Ofsted inspection in 2019.
During our Year 6 exit questionnaire, a group of children worked together with Miss Coates and Mr Cole to adapt The Oaky 5, so that they better reflected the current climate of learning behaviours and attitiudes; especially after the pandemic. The children rebranded The Oaky 5 as The Oaky Family Values. The school council 2022 and 23 have further developed our values so they are aligned with the British Values. These are:
- Be Yourself (Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs & Individual Liberty)
- Be Respectful (Mutual Respect)
- Be Resilient
- Be Responsible (The Rule of Law)
- Be Inspired (Democracy)
Both our Oaky Family Values and The British Values weave throughout the whole of our curriculum, being taught through English units, foundation subjects, trips, visitors, discrete PSHE lessons and assemblies.
They are displayed in every classroom within school.
Our Oaky Family Values are also closely aligned with the 'Ten Positive States of being' as well as our school motto 'Embrace, Laugh, learn.