Little Oakies - Our two year old provision
We are delighted to be able to offer 2 year old provision in our school. Little Oakies is a vibrant and exciting place to be and to learn. Our Early Years is a time for children to:
- belong
- shine
- explore
- discover
- wonder
- be seen
- be heard
- make mistakes
- learn
- be loved
- be themselves
Children attend Little Oakies for 5 mornings or 4 afternoons per week.
Morning session 8.15 – 11.15 am
Afternoon session Monday - Thursday 12-3:15pm Friday 12-2pm
At the beginning of each session you and your child will be welcomed into our room by a member of staff. Please feel free to speak to the staff at this time if you have any queries or information for us.
At the end of the session, children are brought to the door and individually passed to parents/carers. It is very important that you notify us as to who will be collecting your child if there is a change to your regular routine.
How can I prepare my child for Little Oakies?
Talk to your child about nursery and what they will do there; make new friends, explore the outdoor area, paint, sing, dance, build and create and most importantly, have fun while they learn.
Encourage your child to do things on their own. Before starting at nursery help your child to begin to learn how to go to the toilet on their own and try to put on and take off their coat.
You might also wish to prepare your child for some of our nursery activities by;
- singing nursery rhymes together
- talking to your child about things that interest them
- Encouraging them to hold a book, turn the pages and talk about the pictures.
What will my child need for Little Oakies?
During their time in Little Oakies your child will play inside and outside and will explore and experience lots of exciting resources and activities that may cause them to get messy (glue, mud, paint, water, foam etc). So please send your child to nursery in comfortable clothing which you don’t mind getting dirty. Also, make sure that your child can manage their clothes themselves when going to the toilet – buttons and belts can cause the children to have accidents if they cannot undress quickly enough!
Sensible shoes need to be worn which will allow your child to run, climb and ride bikes in (no open toes sandals please).
We play outside in all weathers so please send your child to nursery prepared for the weather conditions. Hats, gloves, waterproof coats and wellies in winter, hats and suncream in the summer.
During the home visit you will be given a Little Oakies bag. It is important that you send this in with your child every day. In it you will need to provide spare clothes in case of accidents, wet wipes and nappies if still worn by your child.
How do I contact nursery/ school?
Please feel free to contact us as we are always happy to answer any queries you may have at
Little Oakies
Oakwood Avenue Community Primary School
Oakwood Avenue
Tel: 01925 635565