The Oaky Voice through Meetings and monitoring
By having an Oaky School Council, children:
- Enjoy and feel empowered by their education;
- Feel that school responds to their needs and views;
- Have the opportunity to let adults know their feelings and opinions about things that affect them;
- Have a say about decisions, and to play an active role in making their school a better place;
- Develop active life skills through participation and leadership;
- Actively participate in the British value of democracy.
The Junior Leadership team meet once every half term after school with a senior leader to work together on leadership and strategic development.
School Council - which includes the Junior Leadership team as well as class council members - meet twice a half term in school time to discuss the outcomes of the class council meetings and vote on an action/s to put in place.
Class Council meetings take place twice a half term and involve the class council rep posing a question to the class which is linked to the School Development plan.
Meeting Schedules 2023 and 24
Outcomes and actions of meetings 2023 and 24
These will be uploaded after each School Council meeting.
The most recent 'Oaky Voice' findings
Our junior leadershjp team spent time in our younger classes - Reception to Year 2 - to capture how they feel about school.
These are some of the comments from our youngest children...
I love phonics and learning about dragons! Reception child I love school because I get to be with my friends Y2 child
My teachers help me. Reception child
I love meeting Oaky and going into Forest School. Y1 child
I like seeing my friends and learning. We have learnt about Buddhism. Y1 child
School trips are fun! I also love bingo in phonics. Year 2 child
I love music with Fran and when we had the Titanic day. Year 2 child
School makes us feel safe. We always work as hard as we can and people are nice to us in school. We wake up and can't wait to go to school!
A number of children from 2 Oakies!
Most recent pupil questionnaire
Our KS2 children were all given a pupil questionniare, which consisted of 20 questions to capture how children feels towards school. School council then met and decided on which of the 20 questions to report on. They have decided to report on 8 of those questions. The results of the questionnaire will be uploaded very soon, as soon as school council have compiled the results.