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PE days

Our PE day is Wednesday. Your child can come to school in their school PE kit (black tracksuit bottoms /leggings/school shorts, whire crew-neck plain t-shirt, Oaky PE jumper/green sweatshirt and pumps/trainers) on PE days. The PE kit no longer includes the hoodies. 

KS2 Oakies have  forest school on Thursday

On forest school days your child can come to school in suitable forest school clothes.


The children enjoy a small snack each morning as part of their social skills programme.  This consists of a variety of options including toast, waffles, muffins, pancakes fruit and juice. 





Your child has been given a reading book suited to their level of reading, alongside a Reading Record. We actively encourage a love of reading by allowing children to additionally borrow a class library book. We would also recommend that children are encouraged to read as much as possible using a variety of texts from home. These could include comics or magazines.

Ideally, children will read daily, although we realise that family life is busy, so ask that they read at least 3 times per week with adults making a comment and signing the diary each time so they can earn their Reading Karate Certificates. 

We ask that all Reading Records be brought in every day so that teachers can monitor and praise home reading as well as using it to comment on reading in school. 

English and Maths

As well as their reading, we also ask the children to complete a piece of maths or English homework each week which may be in the form of a number game , phonics game or word practise  The homework will be reinforcement of their learning in class.



The Oaky Way - Staying Connected

At Oakwood, we very much have an open door policy where we welcome open communication. If parents/carers need a quick chat or need to pass on any information, then please feel free to do so at the door when the children are being dropped off or collected. 

If you require a more lengthy conversation, then please email or ring for an appointment with the class teacher, as you can appreciate that teachers need to be in class promptly to maximise learning time. 

For safeguarding and welfare concerns, please continue to use Option 4 on the school phone line and ask to speak to Mrs Frank

Members of the senior leadership team will be visible at drop off and pick up times at the gate. If you require a meeting with a senior leader, then plase contact the office to arrange an appointment.  


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